Our story

he company was founded in 1956 by Emidio Oggianu′s father, Angelo, who had a vineyard of about 4,000 square metres in the "BADDE NURAGHE" area of Magomadas, and has been entirely cultivated with the Malvasia grape vine variety ever since.
Emidio, who spent much of his time as a boy learning the techniques of Malvasia wine production from his father, has also learnt the pleasure of hospitality and passion for producing excellent quality wine, albeit on a small scale.
In 1968, he inherited the vineyard and took over the management of the company. In 1995. Retiring from his main occupation, that of a railway worker, he then acquired the neighbouring vineyards, uprooted them, and replanted them with the Guyot training system. He then dedicated himself with much passion and meticulous care to overseeing the entire production cycle, from the vine to the bottle, all taking place in the same vineyard.
In the one hectare area of land, a specially designed new building was completed for:
  • the vinification, aging and bottling of Malvasia wine,
  • hosting guests with guided tours of the premises,
  • arranging tastings of Malvasia and Malvasia grappa.
  • Plus two small apartments were made available with splendid sea views for overnight stays.
  • In 2000, the company was added to the D.O.C. registry of vineyards. Over the years, Emidio passed on his immense passion to his son Stefano who, although having moved away to the city of Parma, decided with his wife to invest in Malvasia by purchasing the neighbouring land, doubling the size of the vineyard.

    Our Philosophy

    It may be true to say that we would earn more if we were to gather fewer grapes from the vines and spend less time in the vineyard and cellars, but I don′t think we′d be very happy.
    We enjoy welcoming visitors to the vineyard and bear witness to their enthusiasm and appreciation as they take part in our wine tastings.
    Occasionally, it gives me great comfort to discreetly observe the looks that our guests exchange as they take the last sip from the near empty glass; one can see in their eyes the hope that another glass will be poured.
    I think the philosophy of our company can be traced back to this; perhaps we may be a little too proud, but only for good reason

    Emidio Oggianu


    The vineyard is located in the BADDE NURAGHE region by the Vicinale Pischina Road in the small municipality of Magomadas that is situated in the province of Oristano, a city on the western side of Sardinia.
    The fertile soil on the gently sloping land is predominantly of limestone origin, mixed with sandstone and volcanic ash and cinder deposits.
    The BADDE NURAGHE region is considered a CRU, (a word of French origin denoting a particular vineyard producing excellent wine) within the area delimited by the production regulations of Malvasia di Bosa, due to the nature of the local soil, its particular microclimate, and its proximity to the sea.
    The vineyard covers about two hectares and is almost entirely cultivated with the Malvasia di Sardegna grape variety. Since 2019, a small area has also been dedicated to the Vermentino variety from which, in 2022, Lunai was born, a white wine made entirely with Vermentino grapes.


    The cellar is simple in design and was built following the Italian Local Health Authority′s meticulous regulations. Visitors to the cellar are pleasantly surprised by the number of barrels they see there that are all small, very old, made of chestnut and oak, and well-looked after, undoubtedly being the focal point of the cellar.
    Every few years, the barrels get thoroughly cleaned out; they are uncorked, and the solid residue of the wine is scraped off. This treatment allows them to last indefinitely.
    After pruning away some of the leaves, and once the fruit set phase is complete, excess grape clusters are thinned out, leaving a maximum of four clusters per vine (30/35 quintals per hectare), to promote better wine quality.
    Despite the size of the vineyard, the harvest lasts about a month, usually taking place in October. Generally, four harvests are carried out. For each harvest, Emidio, together with a few workers and trusted friends, only picks the ripest grapes, while the other ones are collected in subsequent harvests to ensure that all grapes harvested are fully ripe.

    Once harvested, the grapes are kept in small crates for 8 to 10 days. Pressing is done gently, and only the free-run juice is destined to be bottled as Malvasia di Bosa DOC (the rest still becomes wine but is used for other purposes).
    The pressed mass of grapes remains in the vat for about 24 hours for settling. After this phase, the juice is transferred to cooling containers. Previously prepared yeasts made from grapes from the same vineyard are then added. This is surely one of the small secret methods we keep to producing a wine of such excellence. We believe that the self-produced yeasts greatly contribute to differentiating our wine from that of other producers.
    Fermentation of the juice occurs naturally at controlled temperatures. After aging for about three years, split between very old oak and chestnut barrels, and stainless steel tanks, bottling then takes place, followed by bottle-aging for at least 6 months, all carried out on site.
    Colour: golden yellow.
    Aroma: long and dense bouquet, with hints of privet flowers and peach.
    Taste: broad, harmonious, and of great personality, retaining its dryness even if consumed years after bottling.
    A great wine for meditation and desserts, pairing well with almond-based pastries, fois-gras, and long-seasoned blue cheeses or medium/long-aged pecorino cheeses.
    Serving temperature: 18°C.
    AVERAGE RESULTS OF CHEMICAL/PHYSICAL LABORATORY TESTS REFERRING TO THE LAST EIGHT YEARS: Alcohol 17.13%; Total Acidity 5.03; Dry Extract 35.28; Reduced Extract 25.00.
    Distillate or Brandy italiano
    Our brandy is produced by distilling the same bottled Malvasia di Bosa DOC wine.
    Once distilled, the brandy is left to age for about two years in oak barrels. These aged barrels help soften it, giving it its characteristic straw-yellow colour with golden reflections, and also help it achieve its exceptional delicacy and finesse.
    Born from the blend of two family generations: Stefano’s modern-day attitude and Emidio’s valuable experience.
    From the vine roots nourished by the limestone soils overlooking the sea, to a wine that embodies both freshness and sapidity for a long enveloping taste.
    A structured heavier wine yet quite fresh.
    Alcohol 14.5%
    Serving temperature: 8-10°C


    Relaxing stays and guided tastings

    A stay with us will bring you closer to nature in a setting far removed from the usual daily urban life, with a friendly atmosphere to welcome you.
    Wide green spaces surround the house where the children can play as you relax, tasting Emidio′s Malvasia wine, looking out towards the sea.
    Seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in the vineyard are also made available during your stay.
    And for those who wish, you can choose the simplest type of guided tastings. Guided tours of the estate are possible ending with a tasting session. During the visit, Emidio will tell you the history of the vineyard and guide you through amusing anecdotes to show you how his spectacular product came about.
    By booking in advance, large group visits are welcome with on-site parking for coaches.




    terms and conditions


    Località Pisturri
    09090 Magomadas (OR)
    P.IVA: 03062440346